
Your Contribution Means a Lot

Help us continue our mission of helping people in your community with the most severe emotional needs through your financial generosity. The simplest way of giving is to send us a personal check. Make your gift payable to:

Northeast Counseling Services
663 E. Main Street
Nanticoke, PA 18634

Your charitable contributions: Cash, appreciated securities, real and personal property, bequests, etc., are deductible under the appropriate section of the Federal Tax Code. You may specify how your gift is to be used by the organization, what period or impose conditions. You may also allow us the freedom to use it as we find necessary and donate without restriction or condition.

Notice: Test mode is enabled. While in test mode no live donations are processed.

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Donation Total: $100.00


NCS is a non-profit organization that provides a variety of mental and behavioral health services throughout Luzerne County, PA, and beyond. We provide mental health services to over 5,000 vulnerable community members each year. Child to parent abuse: what social workers do and don't know.

Having mental illness involves tremendous suffering, with significant changes in thinking, emotion, and behavior.

Severe Mental Illness Warning Signs in Children – Naturopathic: They tend to blame themselves for their illness, which leads to low self-worth, lack of confidence, and constricted life goals.

Our members often withdraw from society and live in isolation and despair.